Services & Fees
I offer a range of editing services for picture books, chapter books, middle-grade novels, and young adult novels. Click on a service below for descriptions and prices.
Substantive Editing
A substantive edit is a structural edit of your work in the form of a written analysis and in-manuscript notes and commenting. Combined, these constitute a conceptual, content, and structural review of your work that will allow you to make a substantive revision of your manuscript if such a revision is desired. You will receive:
Detailed written report
- "Big picture" analysis describing what works well, what is not working, and, as appropriate, providing context of what your concept/approach needs to accomplish in order to stand out against similar books on the market
- Recommendations for how to strengthen and improve plot, narrative, character development, theme, and structure
- In-manuscript margin notes and comments
- 30-minute phone or Skype consultation, free with purchase!
Picture Book/Early Reader (up to 1500 words) | $315 |
Early Chapter Book (1501-4999 words) | $475 |
Chapter Book (5000-9999 words) | $675 |
Middle Grade Novel (10,000-24,999 words) | $850 |
Young Adult/Teen Novel (25,000-40,000 words) | $1000 |
Please note:
- To determine price, please refer to the word count range. For example, a 512-word manuscript falls in the "up to 1500" word count range, so the substantive edit price is $315.
- Middle grade and YA/teen novels with especially large word counts may be assessed a higher fee. If this is necessary you will be advised and have an opportunity to approve or decline the fee before the assignment is accepted.
- Follow-up phone or Skype consultations must be scheduled to occur within 1 week following manuscript edit delivery.
Line Editing
A line edit is a line-by-line edit of your manuscript. It is an edit for tone, style, and consistency and is done only after the structure is firmly in place. For example, you would only enlist my services as a line editor after you have already written several drafts (work-shopping the manuscript with discerning readers along the way), and perhaps received a substantive editing critique from me as outlined above and then revised the manuscript yet again. Depending on the nature of your work, a line edit will include some or all of the following:
- Stylistic editing, to clarify meaning, smooth language, improve flow, and generally make for a more compelling and enjoyable read
- Copy editing, to correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics
- Light structural editing, a reorganization of the work for content and structure (Note: At the line edit stage, your manuscript’s structure should be more or less finalized so any structural editing (a.k.a., substantive editing) that I do at this point should be minimal. If upon reading I assess that a substantive edit is required before line editing can occur, this can be negotiated for an additional fee.)
- 30-minute phone or Skype consultation, free with purchase!
Picture Book/Early Reader (up to 1500 words) | $525 |
Early Chapter Book (1501-4999 words) | $775 |
Chapter Book (5000-9999 words) | $1050 |
Middle Grade Novel (10,000-24,999 words) | $1250 |
Young Adult/Teen Novel (25,000-40,000 words) | $1500 |
Please note:
- To determine price, please refer to the word count range. For example, a 512-word manuscript falls in the "up to 1500" word count range, so the line edit price is $525.
- Middle grade and YA/teen novels with especially large word counts may be assessed a higher fee. If this is necessary you will be advised and have an opportunity to approve or decline the fee before the assignment is accepted.
- Follow-up phone or Skype consultations must be scheduled to occur within 1 week following manuscript edit delivery.
Online Picture Book Writing Course
I am not offering online picture book writing courses at the moment. Editing is keeping me pretty busy!
Cover/Query Letter Critique
This is a line-by-line edit and polish (and sometimes rewrite) of a writer's query or cover letter to agents or editors. This service is $100.
Consulting & Mentoring
I offer one-on-one consulting and mentoring by phone and Skype. Please contact me directly at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to learn more.
Workshops & Writers Groups
I also lead writers groups and workshops. Please contact me directly at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to learn more.
Editing Packages for Self-Publishers
Are you self-publishing your book and seeking an editor to shepherd your manuscript through the editorial process? Well, this is the service for you: An exciting new option for self-pub writers who wish to partner with an experienced book editor throughout the self-publishing process. More information coming here soon . . . in the meantime, contact me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for pricing and details!
Book Publicity & Marketing Plans
Did you know I was a brand and marketing manager for Barbie in a recent past life? I can devise a comprehensive marketing plan for your book, contact me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for details!